Go Falcons!

Having taught in Bushland for the past seven years, I am smitten with the small town and more importantly the unity and support of the community. A home away from home, Bushland is comfort and love, all in one. When I was contacted to document this particular group of seniors, I was thrilled. As the date of the shoot approached, swirls of ideas, poses, and interactions to ensure a perfect outcome of photos filled my head. My absolute goal was to serve these girls and boy 😊 with my best work. With the support and feature of The Snapwagen's vintage bus, a bit of confetti, shimmering balloons, and plenty of laughter, I think we all accomplished what we set out to do--make memories and capture those moments. The relationship I witnessed between these five kiddos was so enlightening and fun. They were silly, playful, and I could tell they've got a lot of stories and "you had to be there" moments that brought me right back to my senior year of high school--how wonderful to feel so light-hearted and free. I am so happy for them and excited to see them shine and grow into their future selves. What a great addition to society they will all be.